Thursday, November 20, 2008

nothing special

I am just blogging to let you know all is pretty good here. I was told today that someone said I am not blogging ofter enough, which on boring days where nothing out of the norm happens, I just don't blog. But, I will try... :-) Anywho, Joe is feeling kinda bad today I guess. He said he feels like he ate a rock, he said it's trapped gas. He ate supper and about 15 min later he puked it up. Since then, he has been laying in his recliner. I guess I am going to send it back Saturday to the rent to own place because I had to make a washer/dryer payment to my old neighbor. I look at it like it is a blessing to have the washer and dryer, since I used to have to laundromat it, and that sucks. But I only make $40 a week and I had to give her $20 and I will have to buy a phone card because that is the only number the surgeons have and plus we need it to stay in touch when I leave and he stays here, in case of emergency. That is $15, so then I will have $5 to last me until Tuesday when I work again. Oh well, I will just take it back when the payment of $15 is due on Saturday , he is pretty much healed anyway... he will just miss is because he sleeps a lot in it because it helps his breathing and his back. Argh! I hate even talking about it... OK, that's enough from White Trashville USA. Maybe something eventful will happen, Oh, side note-- I lost 11 pounds, go me!

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