Saturday, November 8, 2008

November 8, 2008

Well, last night was okay, he was very sore and he tried to sleep. I guess he did sleep most of the night. He did not have any nausia last night, he only has that when he walks. That is caused be the pulling and stretching of the esophaugus and the incisions. His pain today is better though. Just the one incision really is sore, the one that the dr used to put all his instruments through. It is about 4 inches to the left of the belly button, and it is about a 2 inch incision. Their incisions went throught the skin, then the fat layer, then throught the muscle wall, then they aired him up under the muscle wall, to quote the surgeon, " Like the superdome." I told him that sounded scary and he said "actually, it's pretty cool." He is a young guy, maybe a little older than me, mid 30's or so. Anyway, Joe has been walking and he has been eating. He eats 6 ounces a day right now, but he drinks 32-48 ounces of fluid right now. Plus, he has to take 3 flintstones a day and 3 and a half citricals, but I have to gring those up right now cause they are huge and I would have to cut them into 3's which would be about 12 pills when I was done. So, for now I pulverize them and put them in whatever I can, mashed potatoes, yogurt... I also had to go to the rental store today and rent him a recliner. He can't lay flat, like I said, it stretches and pulls right now, so NOW he is more comfortable. That makes me feel better and it's $15 a week, so I think I can swing it for a week or 2. I am going to include his pill regiment so far for today so you can all see what he is going through, although he sleeps through most of it right now, I just wake him up and put a pill in his mouth and give him a drink. So, here's that so far.

7:45- half percocet
7:55- "band aid"
8:05- half percocet
8:15- breakfast= 1 oz oatmeal, 1 oz vanilla yogurt
9:50- half percocet
11:20- half percocet
11:35- prilosec
11:45- half blood pressure
11:50- " band aid"
12:00- lunch= 1oz applesauce, 1 oz yogurt
12:30- half blood pressure
12:48- half antibiotic
1:15- half antibiotic
1:30- kadian
1:45- flintstone
2:00- half percocet
2:10- half percocet
2:20- dilaudid
2:30- effexor
2:48- effexor
2:58- flintstone
3:30- abilify
4:10- lamictal
4:20- half percocet
4:30- "bandaid"
4:40- dinner= 1oz mashed potato, half oz cottage cheese, 5oomg citrical mixed in mas pot
5:25- half percocet
5:35- lyrica
6:00- flintstone
6:50- kadian
7:08- dilaudid
7:18- antibiotic
7:30- antibiotic
8:00-1oz yogurt with citrical mixed in
8:50- "bandaid"
9:00- half muscle relaxer
9:10- half muscle relaxer
9:20- half muscle relaxer
9:30- half muscle relaxer

That is about it, we still missed a bit of meds today believe it or not, but it's totally because of me, it's hard to take care of the house and the kids and joe's meds and helping him to the bathroom and helping him to bed and helping him walk and making his food, plus the kids food, and their school, and cleaning the house up after the kids play while I am doing all the other stuff. By the way, for anybody wondering, the bandaid medicine is what the nurses call it because it coats the stomach like a big band aid and protects from ulcers and since he is H-pylori positive, he takes it 4 times a day. It looks like really runny pepto, and it smells a bit minty, but by the look of joe's face when he takes it, I assume it tastes like dirty gym socks smell... so this blog has taken over an hour, but I am going to stop writing cause I have too much out there in the house to do, a bit scared to venture out of my bedroom and see the house. I am sure it will look like it threw itself up since the kids have been out there, and mostly quiet, that's a good sign that it is going to be a mess. Kids + quiet= something bad going on. Joe appreciates all the phone calls and so do I. It gets lonely here sometimes, and believe me, there is no amount of calgon in this world to make it all go away, lol. i am outta here. More tomorrow...

1 comment:

-Erin said...

Wow! Calgon take *ME* Away. Just reading your to-do list made me sleepy.