Thursday, January 1, 2009

Simple blog

He weighed two days ago at 438. He feels really good, aside from his foul mood, thus the short blog due to my foul mood. He is still not getting his vitamins... stubborn, hmm whooda thunk? Just remember when he's in the hospital for not listening to me, I was right!! Oh, almost forgot... he has a staph infection in his foot associated around his grossly longer second toe (freak!), also know as cellulitus. He is on antibiotics. It is getting better. Sure, he'll take those pills... oh well. Sorry for such a "happy" blog, but if it wasn't for the weigh in, it wouldn't be here. Just wanting to be faithful to the family. More later...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

are you sure you want me to post?? lol

Well, Joe didn't get a chance to weigh yesterday because I had to go to work early for my mom and didn't know it. I don't think he can weigh today, but I am not sure.... if I remember correctly the dialysis unit isn't open on Thursdays anyway, Christmas or not. He might go ahead and weigh Friday, not sure. He is being pretty difficult with me as far as taking his supplements. I have stopped trying to make him protein shakes, I was even adding fresh fruit, like a smoothie, but no go. Now I guess what I need is for any of you to find recipes where I can hide high protein things like tofu, or whatever, in food, where when he eats small amounts, he gets protein. Right now, it seems the only thing he eats and keeps down is tomato soup. I haven't checked, but I wouldn't think it would be high in protein... so I guess if anybody out there wants to try, Jenny maybe, to find high protein things, not meat unless its small amounts of ground beef. Soups maybe... maybe I should just go buy hot and sour soup with extra tofu for the rest of his life, lol. No, actually, when I get the money for it, I am going to buy him some good whey powder from GNC and add it to milk. If he drinks that, I will have no problem. Then his protein will be through the roof. :) THEN, I will only have to get him nagged into submission on the multi-vitamin and the calcium citrate so his bones don't melt into his skin cause his muscles will already be gone from no multivitamins. At least I have a good outlook on things... lol... :) Can anyone else tell I am at wits end with the whole thing? OH! And to top it all off, people who have this surgery are supposed to dump, a.k.a puke-dizzy-cramp, when they eat sugars--- of course NOT JOE!! He can still eat sweets if he so desires. Makes me so mad!! Oh well. If anyone has any suggestions that are useful, email em to me at please. Thanks, and I will keep you posted as soon as I know anything more as far as weight. I am going to get the vitamins... pray for me... lol!! You would think flintstones were cod oil-- I swear!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New weight is...( drum roll)

Well, his new current weight is 449, so that's another 10 lbs gone this week! Its freaky weird, he's melting before my eyes. He is getting better about his vitamins I am happy to report, but food tolerance is still somewhat lacking. For the most part, he's being a good boy... :) I am going to try and add the image from last month for his two week progress, though many of you have seen it, new pics coming soon...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I said I wasn't good at bloggin

Okay, been away since I have blogged. I hate, I mean hate blogging. Exactly WHY did I start this again? Oh yea, to keep in touch. Great job I am doing with that... lol. Okay, well since we last spoke Joe has puked a bit, felt nauseous all the time, when he eats he feel like he ate a big rock, hasn't been taking his vitamins like he is supposed to, bad bad boy, AND had a Dr's appt in Indy with his surgeon. That went well. The surgeon told Joe that he was really impressed with his weight loss and then told him that not eating often enough would make him nauseous, eating too fast would do the same and eating too much would too and all of it would create the boulder feeling. PLUS, the not getting the protein and his vitamins as directed would make him weak and dizzy and make him sick to his tummy. Hmmm...... where oh where have I heard that before?? Oh yea, ME for like 2 weeks!!!! Stubborn jack, well, you know. Arghh, frustration. Ya know when the dr says it, it's gold but when the wife who is the one by the bedside and knows and can see whats going on says it... it is just a uneducated guess. Whatever. I was right, that's the point. Party dance for me, yea yea, go Phyllis, it's your uh not birthday... :-) Oh well, he weighs 462 I think was the official from the Dr's office, so there is the weekly weight number. Kids are fine... I am crazy... everything is perfectly normal. See you from my room in the loony bin. Much love!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Did I mention I hate blogging?

Lol... no seriously. Okay, so Joe is doing alright. He has been feeling sick still, nauseous and some vomiting associated with that. We are pretty sure this is from dehydration though. He is not getting his required fluids nor his required protein, not to mention his vitamin supplements. It is like pulling teeth to get him to take him pills when he feels like his stomach has a rock in it and drinking only makes it worse. Oh well, he is still in very good spirits and so far I have my own stash of phenegran so that has helped it a little. He goes to weigh in a couple of days. I am hoping he is feeling well enough to go walking mo tues and wed with me. That in itself usually makes him feel better. I have also been taking vitamins and I know I feel pretty good, plus after the intitial shock on my kidneys went away when I started drinking water, I realized I was probably a normally dehydrated person. I sent out a progress pic yesterday to much of the family, at least the ones whose email addresses I have. It is amazing the difference in his face alone. I will put it on the page, but I don't know how recognizable it will be, I don't know how small they have to make it. Well, that's all for now. I am super tired and I need to go to bed before my kids realize they are sleeping and wake up, lol. Ttyl. :-)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

nothing special

I am just blogging to let you know all is pretty good here. I was told today that someone said I am not blogging ofter enough, which on boring days where nothing out of the norm happens, I just don't blog. But, I will try... :-) Anywho, Joe is feeling kinda bad today I guess. He said he feels like he ate a rock, he said it's trapped gas. He ate supper and about 15 min later he puked it up. Since then, he has been laying in his recliner. I guess I am going to send it back Saturday to the rent to own place because I had to make a washer/dryer payment to my old neighbor. I look at it like it is a blessing to have the washer and dryer, since I used to have to laundromat it, and that sucks. But I only make $40 a week and I had to give her $20 and I will have to buy a phone card because that is the only number the surgeons have and plus we need it to stay in touch when I leave and he stays here, in case of emergency. That is $15, so then I will have $5 to last me until Tuesday when I work again. Oh well, I will just take it back when the payment of $15 is due on Saturday , he is pretty much healed anyway... he will just miss is because he sleeps a lot in it because it helps his breathing and his back. Argh! I hate even talking about it... OK, that's enough from White Trashville USA. Maybe something eventful will happen, Oh, side note-- I lost 11 pounds, go me!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

weigh in day #2

Ok, so he is in bed right now, kinda depressed cause he wanted to lose at least 10 lbs, he came close... 7. But he feels like he has let everyone down. I told him since last month at this time he has lost 50 lbs. If someone would have told him last month he would be 50 lbs lighter now he wouldn't have believed them. Anyway, so now he weighs from 479 to 472. I personally would take that and run, but like he said after such a huge loss the 1st week, to go to under 10 lbs is just disappointing. Last night we were looking at the 2nd day out of the hospital pics when we went to the work out place and walked on the treadmill, and we couldn't belive the HUGE difference in just his face alone. I had to alter his meeting pants, 4 inches in!! He will feel better later, but for now, he is kinda down and not really even taking phone calls. :-( Anyways, thanks for your support on the blog ya'll, I will try and write more later when he gets to feeling a little better.